Competition Tips/Tricks
Before our competition season kicks off, here are just a few tips and tricks to help you get ready!
Before leaving for competition:
Have a checklist taped or inserted into a pocket on costume bag. On each company page, all costume needs, hair and other required items for the dance will be listed. You can use it to get started then tailor it as desired. I also have the Company Mom's listed.
Put your dancers name on everything costume item. Etsy has some stickers that are strong enough to be put in stinky shoes and survive! This will help when the girls are changing fast and close to each other. Plus, at every competition something is almost always left behind.
Pack plenty water bottles and snacks for your dancer his/her dance bag. Be careful on type of food. We don't want to ruin any costumes.
Carry more than you think you need - in case you lose something or a friend needs something. Hairspray, bobby pins, safety pins, extra elastic, sewing kit, tissues, facial wipes, nail polish remover, clear nail polish (for runs in tights) mirror, brush/comb, laundry pin, lint roll, clothes steamer, scissors, static guard, double-sided tape, q-tips, cotton balls, make-up remover, clear deodorant, etc
Wrinkle releases rocks!
Every competition, pack a binder or folder that has:
Directions in case the GPS doesn't work
Proposed schedule
Hotel info (If required)
Company Mom's numbers - in case you need something or running late
Other Mom's numbers for each dance (print from the website)
Prior to competition, practice with different types of eyelash glue to find what works best for you and your child.
- If your student is wearing costume to the competition, don't forget to pack underwear when she changes.
- Proper organization of all your accessories, shoes and such is a must. Detailed list!
- Take a pic and print the finished look from rehearsals and then attach it to each of your costumes so you can make sure the girls are 100%.
- Don't forget the wind suit! It's a requirement for Awards.
At Competition:
- Get to competition early enough in case the schedule runs ahead, but also time to change (if needed) and to stretch before the dance and for your dancer to get over some nervousness.
- Keep eyelash glue with you at all times in your back pocket.
- If your child is not cooperating, let another mom help you and you help the other child! I found that sometimes it was easier to let another mom do my daughters hair.
- Be early and be ready early. Time can get away from you so quickly at the competition and they often run way ahead of schedule. The dressing rooms are packed out usually so getting there early to save a space is so important.
- Know who the company mom is for your dance. They check all of the kids for uniformity before they go on stage.
- Whatever you do...DON'T take pictures or videos while your child is on stage during the competition. Let's Dance can get fined or the dance will have points deducted.
- If you forget anything, ask. We share in the dressing rooms with whatever you may need. Don't be afraid to speak up. Remember, we are a family and help each other.
- Awards are hectic and there are a lot of kids on stage! Arrange for a place for your child to meet you after awards, if they are very young ask one of the older kids to stay with them. The older kids love the little ones and are more than happy to hold their hands and let them sit with them on stage! A good idea is for big brother/sister sit with little brother/sister.
- If you get to dressing room first, try to get a good space for all of us and put on Facebook where it is. Near some plugs always helps.
- Parents need to check that the hair and makeup are correct before sending them backstage. Backstage the company Mom will check Hair/Makeup again.
- For people with more than one day to compete who have sensitive eyes, have a pair of eyelashes for each day of competition.
- Buying a program is helpful to keep up with the day's events and awards (even though they are expensive, ~$10). Bring a highlighter and pen with you.
- Let other moms know if you have quick changes. Many are willing to help. I couldn't have done some of the quick changes last year without a crew!
- No question is too unimportant! I had a ton of questions my first year. Ask. As many questions as possible!